Our experienced team at Lithia Springs Cosmetic and Family Dentistry specializes in providing high-quality root canal treatments to restore and preserve your dental health.
Saves a tooth from extraction by removing the infected living material inside of a tooth and replacing it with medicated fillings as a way to restore its structure and function.
An infection of the root canal occurs when decay spreads to the pulp of the tooth or when a bacterial infection develops inside the tooth or at the root tip.
An infected root canal starts by numbing the tooth using local anesthesia. A rubber sheet is placed around the tooth to keep it dry and to prevent the infection from spreading. Using special dental tools, the inside of the tooth is accessed to remove any infected pulp, damaged nerve tissue and visible decay. The tooth is then thoroughly cleaned and sealed with filling material. To protect the tooth from fractures, a temporary crown is placed over its surface. A follow-up visit is required to apply a permanent crown and to restore the full structure and function of the tooth.